Gauge Weights

What are gauge weights?

Simply put, a gauge weight translates into how much of the daily HASAI inflation it receives.

For example on the below chart, this pool is currently receiving around 72% of the daily HASAI inflation. This means that all liquidity providers in the Y pool share 72% of the daily HASAI.

+ A Picture

You can find each liquidity gauge relative weight on this page: TBD

Why are gauge weights so important?

Because those weights decide where the HASAI inflation goes, it allows the DAO to control where most of the liquidity should go and balance liquidity. It's a powerful tool for voters that must be used responsibly.

The gauge weight is updated once a week on Thursdays.

Who can vote for gauge weights?

Anybody who has vote locked HASAI can vote to direct its voting power towards one or multiple Hasai pools.

Vote Locking

How can I vote?

Visit this link: TBD

Select the gauge you would like to put your voting weight towards, enter an amount (10,000 = 100% the maximum) and confirm your transaction.

How often can I move my voting weight?

You can change your voting weight once every 10 days.

Last updated